Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Week Twenty Nine: The New Year, Haridwar and Rishikesh

Unfortunately, I started this week in sickness.  It seems to have become a semi-regular thing.  I think I became overconfident after avoiding sickness for so long at the beginning of my time here.  Anyway, on Monday and Tuesday, I headed to work at TARSHI.  Again I cannot emphasize enough how much I enjoy working in that office with such cool people.  For the most part I help Shruti and Anisha where I can with various things. 

Although I didn't do anything particularly exciting on New Year's Eve, I did get to see a friend that afternoon and eat some good food that reminded me of home before chilling and watching movies by myself that night.  


The temple in Malviya Nagar near my apartment.

As a sort of New Year celebration, I headed to Haridwar and Rishikesh, both holy cities near the base of the HImalayas and on the Ganges. I took an early train from Delhi and arrived at my hotel early in the afternoon. The view was gorgeous. 

The river from my hotel

It was a short trip so I headed out as soon as I put my stuff in the room, walking to the river and Har Ki Pauri, the ghat that is famous and holy as the site of a visit from Lord Vishnu, who left a footprint there.

Haridwar is awesome in part because it is so beautiful and not touched by smog in the same way as Delhi.  The river is mostly clear and the sky is blue and walking through the city was a really nice change from what I am used to in the capital.

View down onto the river

Cow enjoying some treats from a local stall

At the Har Ki Pauri ghat

Cows at the ghat

The river

Ghat from one of the bridges

From the other end

I walked around for a bit on the river before heading toward Mansa Devi and Chandi Devi, two temples in the mountains.  I wanted to return to the river for the aarti that evening and see the temples that day before heading to Rishikesh the next morning.  

I took a cable car to the see Mansa Devi first and then hopped on a bus to drive over to Chandi Devi where I took another cable car up the mountain.  Photography is not allowed past a certain point, but both temples were beautiful and beautifully located.  

Heading up 

Cable Car Selfie

The temple

A little closer

While I was wandering, I met a student from the engineering school who was also traveling solo, so we spent the afternoon talking and making the second part of the trip, from the top of Mansa Devi to Chandi Devi, together. It is always nice to find someone else who is traveling alone or who is interested in going to the same places.  

We had a tea and talked before heading our separate ways. 

I made my way down to the aarti but along the way I ran into Praveen, a friend of a friend from Delhi who happened to be traveling with his wife and friends at the same time.  It was such a nice surprise to run into him and we planned to meet up in Rishikesh, where they were staying and where I had intended to spend my day anyway, the next day. 

In the meantime, I headed back to Har Ki Pauri and watched the aarti, the religious ceremony that takes place along the river.


In the river


Someone's pooja

Someone offering pooja

The crowd on the other side of the river

On the side of the river where I was sitting

The ceremony

On the river


Offerings waiting to be sold

On a bridge over the river

I headed back to my hotel after the aarti and did some reading before bed.  

I woke up and took an auto to Rishikesh, which is about an hour away. 

Rishikesh was even more beautiful than Haridwar and walking through the city and along the river made for a great day.  I spent a lot of time exploring and visiting various temples and ashrams, of which there are many.  

View of Swarg Niwas from the cafe where I had breakfast

Not too shabby

View along the river crossing the Lakshman Jhula Bridge

Bathing in the river

On the bridge.  I carried my luggage with me that day and was glad I packed lightly. 

Baby monkeys are the best

Cow crossing


Great view

Cow crossing part II.  

I spent a bit waiting here because Praveen and I had trouble catching each other.  Eventually I headed across and began walking down with plans to meet up later in the day. 

Some of the sights along the way: 

Swarg Ashram, which is massive

I spent some time resting and watching these cows play fight

And also this sneaky dude, same as above, try to steal from the vegetable vendor.  He never managed to do it but he was persistent and adorable. 


Cow on the Ganges

Beautiful view from the bridge

I trekked a long, long way down to try to find Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ahsram, where The Beatles made the White Album, and although I thought I found it, turns out I did not.  I was directed by a monk who told me that the place had been closed for a long time and his directions were very helpful but apparently I stopped at the ashram just before the one I wanted, sad day.  I will not put the random closed ashram selfie here because it is mildly embarrassing but just know it exists. 

Finally I made my way back up to find Praveen and his wife and friends.  We sat and talked on the beach before having chai and street food.  Unfortunately we talked a little too long and I ended up missing my train because our car got caught in traffic and the train was running on time (never a guarantee).  

Praveen was super helpful and found me a different train back and helped me to, errrr, talk my way into a better compartment and seat.  This involved Praveen telling me to look downtrodden (and explaining that begging and bribary are generally effective in this area) while he spoke to a train official about me being a lady tourist.  It worked, thankfully, and although I paid more, I was happy to be able to be in a position to sleep.  I was even happier when, horror of horrors, some virus/food poisoning/curse for bribing my way up in the world hit me and I was a sick, gross, fevered mess and extremely happy for access to a Western toilet.  

Despite that, it was a beautiful trip and overall a fabulous way to start the New Year and continue my adventures. 

This week I am thankful for: 

1.  Everyone who made this year what it was and helped me through many major milestones, including graduation and leaving for the Watson. 

2. The fact that it really is a small world and I got to spend more time with Praveen and his lovely wife and friends. 

3.  A chance to see the Ganges and be close to the Himalayas

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